This is the workshop outline sent to the school I hope to work with.

Development process and progress of the e-merge mediascape
There's lots more documentation, video interviews, and more on the ideas behind the mediascape that I'd like to add to this blog.. so do come back and visit after the festival!
Oh, and if you tried the mediascape (or just watched films on the web), please take a couple of minutes to answer the survey about your experiences, thanks! (You could even win a copy of the limited edition print!)
Thanks to everyone who helped, took part, and told friends...
And watch this space for news of our plans for an e-merge day in the Park in late spring/early summer.
1. Have you tried the e-merge mediascape?
2. How did you hear about e-merge?
3. Have you experienced a mediascape before e-merge?
4. Would you describe e-merge as any of the following?
Film; Game; Tour; Walk; Mobile media; Pervasive media; Art; Narrative
5. Did you encounter difficulties with the ipaq/ technology?
6. How did the mediascape alter your experience of the park?
7. Have you watched any of the e-merge walks-films on the website?
8. Would you prefer to watch your film?
In the park; Anywhere; On the website; In the gallery (ICA); Other
9. Please rate the project / your experience:
Very poor; Poor; Average; Good; Very good; Other
10. Please add any other comments, feedback, development suggestions.
Enter your e-mail address if you would like a reply, and for a chance to win a limited edition (1/10) e-merge print.