- Ambience, collaborative film-making mediascape for the Bristol Festival 2009
- Strata Collective - Soundlines music and mediascape project with schools and community in Weston super Mare, exploring ways of seeing the layered histories of the landscape of Sand Point, on the North Somerset coast.
- Soundlines project development blog
- PMStudio residency
- PhD research practice with Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University
- Contact me for information on papers/presentations.
Friday, 1 January 2010
Updates, post-project....
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
A lot of documentation has been generated along the way - this blog, the website, the walks and films themselves, photos, video, interviews, on and offline surveys, email comments, programmes, etc. etc.
I'd like to collate things through the blog. However, as I found at the start, that's quite tricky given the range of formats and file sizes involved.
Maybe something to bare in mind from the start on a future project.
- If anyone has suggestions for apps that would work seamlessly that would be great!
Meanwhile, I'm aware that a lot of things get filed away at the end of a project, possibly never to see the light of day.. so I'm going to do what I can in adding documents, photos etc - to have an easily accessed reminder of what's been involved, and also to make this as comprehensive a record as possible. I'm going to cheat the timeline though, and add them in at dates that seem most appropriate... labeled 'documentation' for easy reference.
For a few of weeks (since the Worle workshops) I've been thinking about new blogs to take on elements of e-merge. They're not all live yet, and more may develop along the way, so I'll just add a short post introducing each one - a kind of family tree of new friends and relationships!
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Visitors...to the Worle mediascapes
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Remapped, and remade...
This 2 day intensive workshop for student, staff, and visiting primaries, is the final part of the e-merge project.
e-merge remapped, as experience of the central London iconic sights here in Weston. Stimulus for discussion, and design of new content and a new format - 2 new mediascapes made with content created during the workshop by students from years 7, 8 and 9.
The second day visitors from 2 local primary schools joined us to experience 'Welcome to Worle' - a more conventional mscape with photos and sounds placed around the area. And 'e-merge Student Videos' - a filmmaking walk with the London videos replaced by 38 short videos of life at Worle.

I asked Worle workshop participants what they'd particularly noticed about the London films, and what they had noticed or would want to highlight about Worle/school in the mediascape content they were about to make.
I like the squirrel running through the trees
Trafulgar Square
London Eye
I liked the movement of people and cars amongst large monuments
Sped up sunrise, walking. Time manipulation.
I liked the horses and animals
Liked the moving people part
Dappled sunlight
Buildings - different viewpoints
Different height levels
Friends and some lesson
I noticed how different the school feels with no children
Worle was very flat
Show the school animals
Nothing except PE
Sports Facilities
Friday, 10 July 2009
Web Listings
Websites/url's featuring e-merge:
Temporary page with links, logos & outline info, live from 23/2/09. Full
site live and functional to include walks & films made etc from 5/3/09
http://www.e-merge-walks.blogspot.com Project development blog started 12/1/09 and updated regularly. Public access including comments.
http://www.birds-eye-view.co.uk/news/2009/02/21/jackie-calderwood-tells-us-more-about-innovation-project-e-merge/#more-704 Article featuring background to e-merge,
21/2/09. Incl. public comments
http://www.ica.org.uk/emerge_a%20filmmaking%20mediascape+19135.twl Festival listing
http://www.birds-eye-view.co.uk/563/innovation/emerge_-a-filmmaking-mediascape.html Festival listing
http://birds-eye-view.co.uk/585/training/pervasive-media-studios-presents.html Festival listing
http://www.birds-eye-view.co.uk/266/innovation/innovation.html Festival listing
http://www.mscapers.com/msin/ABA0000559 Development sketch, uploaded 19/2/09
http://www.pmstudio.co.uk/news/2009/02/21/birds-eye-view-film-festival-gets-a-touch-pervasiveness Article
http://www.visitlondon.com/events/detail/4528630 Event listing (multi-lingual site) visited
http://tntonline.co.uk/whats_on/specialevents/5754941402WhatsOnEvent.aspx Listing
http://shootingpeople.org/calendar/index.php?mode=detail&event=9552&day=2009-03-12&event_type=single Listing
http://twitter.com/BirdsEyeViewFF/status/1237611785 Announcement
Listing article with images
http://www.a-n.co.uk/interface/reviews/single/525417 Review with images
http://www.pmstudio.co.uk/project/e-merge with links to journal entries etc.
e-merge at Sandpit#10 22nd April 2009, at ICA
e-merge listed and linked from website.
http://www.creativewiltshire.co.uk/index.php/2009061868/News/dotbiz-Last-In-First-Out.php e-merge remapped for students and industry
partners as part of workshops and presentations by Jackie on Pervasive Media at
dot.biz, Wiltshire College, June 2009.
http://www.wlv.ac.uk/default.aspx?page=20750 Jackie discussed e-merge as part of a
presentation ‘Pervasive Media: Experience of Landscape and Short Film’
Talk by Jackie at Pervasive Media Studio, April 2009, about work to date and
the e-merge project.
Case Study of Jackie for CPD section of ENYAN website (and e-newsletter March
2009) featuring e-merge project.
http://stratacollective.blogspot.com/2009/03/absence-and-presence.html feature & listing about e-merge
Friday, 26 June 2009
e-merge, pervasive media and Dot.Biz
It was sunny, so the only obstacles for mediascaping were a football game and a barbeque, also on the fields!
I put a mixture of mscapes on the ipaqs, so there was something for everyone - narrative, drama, film, games - and the obligatory mole stamping, which entertained observers!
Some good feedback from the remapped e-merge, and interesting to hear people's responses to seeing the London footage in Wiltshire - with several people commenting on the similarity of shots - sky, trees, grass, seagulls on screen and off - whilst others noticed the contrasts more, the busy cityscape and roads.
Thanks to Jane for help throughout the day and sharing her experience as a musician and composer for e-merge. Also for her comments on experiencing e-merge live for the first time. Great!
Monday, 22 June 2009
Art Space

Living Landscapes
There's a bit more about it on the Strata blog
Descending Angel on National Library

Wednesday, 10 June 2009
And more music collaboration...
Contact me if you'd like an invite to a Soundlines hilltop experience celebrating the launch of the Cultural Olympiad at the end of July....
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Kukicha Live
Extract from the Kukicha gig at Bristol's FolkHouse with visuals by Jackie.
[Kukicha provided track 2 for the e-merge mediascape. 'Falling Sky' is a new piece, first performed in May 2009]
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
music for film -> film for music
I'm interested in making an abstract, portable filmmaking version of e-merge - so these sequences have been compiled with that in mind. Sophia's excited about triggering images through her own movement/ableton, so something interactive on stage is also on the cards...
Meanwhile, pop along to the first local gigs...

Tuesday, 12 May 2009
e-merge SouthBank
Monday, 27 April 2009
Photos from BEV
Sunday, 26 April 2009
sandpit evening
e-merge was one of 8 events at the sandpit evening at the ICA last Wednesday.
It was a buzzing evening, and over 30 people took part in e-merge, with 62 new walks on the website (numbers 102-163).
Thanks to everyone that gave feedback - 64% of those commenting rated the overall experience of e-merge as good or excellent, and 76% said they'd consider playing e-merge again. Great! Good to hear too about the things that didn't work so well, and suggestions for improvement.
Just managed to squeeze in two short interviews - here's one, after dark, with a mystery walker...
Sarah Mosses helped me with ipaqs, forms etc throughout the evening. So I asked her how she'd found the evening - as co-composer of one of the music tracks, innovation programmer and commissioner from BEV ...
Thursday, 23 April 2009
live from london
with a new mini film version of 70 short clips, all theplayers could watch their films live in st james's park. the park's chaanged a lot over the last month since bev. trees in leaf effected the gps a little bit. flags are out all along the mall, and of course the event ran through dusk and into the night - quite a different ambience to the walks.
62 new walks are up on the website, & i will be emailing individual walkers over the next couple of days with the no. of their unique walk.
e-merge plays well on my new htc touchphone, so i hope to use those devices for another event....
for now i'm still finding new things to do with it - like writing this post whilst sunning on the southbank waiting for the tate to open! (where does this idea that artists arent up before 10 come from?!)
Friday, 20 March 2009
e-merge Workshop Plans
This is the workshop outline sent to the school I hope to work with.

Sunday, 15 March 2009
101 walks on the web

Saturday was lovely and sunny - and time for a leisurely walk around the park! After taking all the remaining logs off the ipaqs, checking them all for software and storage files, and packing up at the ICA, it was great to just go out for a walk and explore parts of the park that other walkers hadn't visited so much.
There's lots more documentation, video interviews, and more on the ideas behind the mediascape that I'd like to add to this blog.. so do come back and visit after the festival!
Oh, and if you tried the mediascape (or just watched films on the web), please take a couple of minutes to answer the survey about your experiences, thanks! (You could even win a copy of the limited edition print!)
Thanks to everyone who helped, took part, and told friends...
And watch this space for news of our plans for an e-merge day in the Park in late spring/early summer.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
news from BEV
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
walks & films go live!
Here's the opening scene and trace of the walk by the ladies pictured below.
So, what's the connection with this image - any guesses to what's being planted, why, and how it relates to the park?....

Monday, 9 March 2009
Wo-manning the event

mscape workshop at Birds Eye View
After a great introduction from Constance, and an experience of a basic mscape outside the ICA, I showed a bit of the 'behind the scenes' workings of e-merge.
Harriet's got some video interviews that should be up on the BEV blog shortly, and Constance has written a post on the PMStudio blog too.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
inside and out, Sunday

Saturday, 7 March 2009
Online survey
Here are the questions:
1. Have you tried the e-merge mediascape?
2. How did you hear about e-merge?
3. Have you experienced a mediascape before e-merge?
4. Would you describe e-merge as any of the following?
Film; Game; Tour; Walk; Mobile media; Pervasive media; Art; Narrative
5. Did you encounter difficulties with the ipaq/ technology?
6. How did the mediascape alter your experience of the park?
7. Have you watched any of the e-merge walks-films on the website?
8. Would you prefer to watch your film?
In the park; Anywhere; On the website; In the gallery (ICA); Other
9. Please rate the project / your experience:
Very poor; Poor; Average; Good; Very good; Other
10. Please add any other comments, feedback, development suggestions.
Enter your e-mail address if you would like a reply, and for a chance to win a limited edition (1/10) e-merge print.
How was your walk?
add comments here to tell us how you got on, what you thought of e-merge, how you heard about it, development ideas and all your feedback!
Friday, 6 March 2009
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
creativite consultation & synchronicities...
And we got onto talking about mediascapes as a tool to take the content back out into the location... bluetooth downloads, podcasts & all sorts of fun ideas. (Sounds a familiar connection...)
Afterwards I went to the Wiltshire Community Arts Network meeting in Devizes, to get the latest on the changes to Unitary authority, and what that means for the arts. I spoke about thevery successful Dads Matter Too film and media arts project, as one of several examples of the arts in Wiltshire. The host for the evening told us about a great film showing this Sunday by a Wiltshire colleague at the ICA for Birds Eye View.... small world!!
Monday, 2 March 2009
for the walls...

sneaking a peep

Tricky stuff, as there's a lot of possible video clips that the film could comprise, in any sequence; plus long audio tracks that form the soundtrack - but don't start from the beginning.
... and that's after getting all the information about the walks out of the mediascape!
I'm glad I'm not the one making it...... ...thanks Ben!
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Tracing the Park
Pretty quickly the walks were up on a test-site on the web (with wifi & hot chocolate at the ICA cafe), so thankyou to Ben who is busy on the web side of the film-making, right now!

Friday, 27 February 2009
testing time

How do you get one?
Come and try the mediascape!
Today was test-time for e-merge at the Pervasive Media Studio, with a rough version mapped into the pedestrian area at the head of the waterside and horseshoe area. Several people from UWE and the studio tried it out and gave useful feedback from their perspectives of games designers, interactive arts, IT, photography and media. Thanks!
Tomorrow's test-time in the park with a trip to London to finalise maps, regions, active areas and where the content will be 'hidden' as well as test out and document a few other bits & pieces.